The Fibonacci Proof of God

faith, I believe, Nature, Photography, Random

Last week, in my Beauty in Nature and Science Points to God post, I shared a little about the mind-blowing Fibonacci mathematical equation seen throughout the universe. It’s so cool I had to share more about it. Hold on to your brains. If you really want to attempt to understand the equation, here’s a great source: […]

July 17, 2013

Beauty in Nature and Science Points to God

faith, I believe

“Beauty is crucial to the human enterprise because it triggers wonder.” (Fr. Thomas Dubay, The Evidential Power of Beauty) Back in March, I shared a little bit about Why I believe God exists. I went into more detail about how I am my own proof of God’s existence and recently I’ve been thinking more deeply about how Beauty […]

July 10, 2013

I am my own proof of God’s existence

faith, I believe, Random

I believe God exists because I am here, thinking about this and writing this. My brain is thinking these thoughts and my fingers are typing them and you are now reading the words that were in my brain on your computer screen. Or your phone or iPad or whatever other nerfty gadget you have. And those […]

April 25, 2013