In all the commotion and anticipation of Advent and the first few days of Christmas, I found myself so overwhelmed. Now, snuggled warmely in the Christmas Octave, I have a few thoughts of joy and peace.
I see the hungry child in the photograph. I see the overwhelming amount of stuff in the stores and Christmas TV ads. I hear the cry of the poor and opressed. I watch politicians and world leaders selfishly turn real needs and goals into shams and jokes. “Send us some money, feed us, vote for us. We will save you…” It’s all so overwhelming. I want to help them all and tell them all. I see a beautiful world smearing with the tears and storms of corruption and deception. I surf around the turbulent sea hoping to find an eye in the hurricane that is our humanity.
And there, in a feeding trough for animals, I find Him.
My Lord, and my God!
“At last!” A Savior and God who is “bone from my bone, and flesh from my flesh!”

Jesus, my sweet baby Jesus, you are my hope and the hope of the world’s!