1. I asked others for help on a project I’m working on instead of trying to do it all by myself.
2. I decided it was time to do the same at home and get serious about sharing the load so bought a Chore Chart
for the kids and so far it has been working pretty well.
3. I went through the kids closet and transferred clothes from rubbermaid boxes to the space saver bags. I like that they seal to cut down on moths but I don’t think they will save much space…it doesn’t look like the picture said it would…did I not do it right? (see below)
Cool chore chart.
Not sure on the space-savers, we just use rubbermaid tubs.
🙂 paul registered for the space saver bags when we were engaged and we got them and we used them. the key is to stack everything as flat as possible with the bag on its side before you suck the air out. it never looks like the picture, but you can really compact it a lot that way if you need to, which it looks like you don’t really necessarily. good goin’ momma.
Hey Erika…I just wanted to let you know, I still plan on helping…we have had the stomach flu and are still battling it out, I promise I will deliver,though!! Blessings!!
thankyou Debi i’m sorry you guys have sick. is everyone getting better?