I believe in Jesus Christ, incarnate of the Virgin Mary

faith / Monday, November 12th, 2012

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man.”

God loves us and wanted to reunite with us after we turned our backs on him. He knew he needed to come to us in a way we could all understand, in a way that was ‘normal’ or we wouldn’t be able to handle it. So, he came into our world like the rest of us, through a woman. Yes, that’s right, a woman. One had betrayed him before; yet, he forgives . He knew it would have to be through another woman that He could deliver his message of forgiveness and mercy. It would have to be someone special, gentle, loving…beautiful.

Someone simple, yet extraordinary.

Someone faithful, yet humble.

Someone different, yet…the same.

From the beginning, he knew her. He loved her. He saved her and preserved her not just for himself, but for His Son and for all of us.

He fell in love with her and chose her out of ALL women. He sent His messenger to her, inviting her to accept Him as her Lord, her Savior, her beloved…her Son.

Her answer?


With only a question of logistics, this young woman gave her whole life, her whole body, her whole self over to God, and to us all.

On that day, Mary, the little Virgin, became the Mother of God. Yet, she never let that get to her head. For her, she was still God’s little handmaid–His loving servant. She had nothing in her heart but LOVe. And now, she would carry that LOVe inside her womb. Can you imagine? Carrying GOD inside you? And what did she do with this? Did she sit at home hoarding Him to herself? No. The first thing she did was go to her cousin Elizabeth to help her and bring her peace and comfort. She did more than that though, she brought God’s love, His promise, to her.

Through Mary and the power of God the Holy Spirit, our God became one of us and our Christ, our Saviour was born. By Christ, God redeemed our souls and repaired what was broken. Mary is the first disciple, the first Christian, the first evangelizer. She opened her heart and her womb to God’s Love and in turn bore the greatest gift to all the world–Jesus, our Lord and our God.

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