It’s July!

motherhood, pregnancy, Random

That means I’m almost done cooking this baby! One more (full) month. I’m ready and not ready all at the same time. (This song sums it up well: I’m just a girl whose stuck in the middle…trying to just sit back and enjoy the rest of the show) Ready to meet this baby. Ready to stare […]

July 2, 2012

First Trimerster “Tunnel”


This post about the “Tunnel of Parenthood” has been going around for a while. The “tunnel” in Emily Sederstrand’s post refers to the first 5 years of parenthood and how hard and anxiety-producing it is. We’ve been at this parenting thing for a little over 8 years now and while we are definitely out of that ‘tunnel’ […]

January 21, 2012

Two lines of Hope


Time to look. One line. Whew… A little sad… Wait. What’s that? A second line? Could it be? Is it? Yup. A little faint. Definitely there, though. Eternity passes through me. A lump forms in my throat. A flood of thoughts and feelings gushes into my heart and sets it beating. My hands hug my […]

January 12, 2012

Pee on a Stick


Pee Pee on stick Set stick on counter Watch the white strip turn pink as pee sinks in Quickly leave room without looking at stick Walk around the room Pretending nothing is happening Heart pounds Legs go limp Stomach turns What will it be? Is it already? Wait a little longer As if I could […]

January 10, 2012

The Rosary unites us

Faith: Mary, motherhood

More about the Rosary and Marian prayer from Mary and Me: While women…have found that the rosary brings them closer to Christ, it can also have the effect of bringing women closer to each other. Though it is often prayed individually, group recitations of the rosary offer a chance for Catholics to connect with their larger […]

May 23, 2011