Are you willing to go deeper? {Five Minute Friday}

Five Minute Friday / Friday, March 7th, 2014

Today’s Five Minute Friday Writing Word Prompt: Willing (and this time I stuck to the 5 minute and no-editing rule) –


Are you willing?

Willing to dive deeper

past the glossy surface

beyond the the clear and safety

deeper, deeper into the unknown

Are you willing to give more for me?

Are you willing to turn your heart to me?

Are you willing to let me love YOU deeper?

Willing to let me fill you with my burning and intense love for you

Willing to let me take you by the hand and bring you deeper with me

I want to show you

so much

but you have to come with me

to trust me

oh how I desire to love you beyond what you could possibly imagine!

Are you willing to come with me on this journey?

It will be hard. I can’t deny.

There will be struggles, hardships…pain. 

But if you are willing, I hope you will say Yes. 

Because there is a whole world that I am bursting to show you. 

Will you come?

Will you give your life to me and allow me to mold you, purify you, refine you?

Are you willing to offer it all for me?

Are you willing to put aside your own desires, your own plans…your own will

– for Me?

“The Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak” (Mark 14:38)


photo credit: arno gourdol via photopin cc

6 Replies to “Are you willing to go deeper? {Five Minute Friday}”

  1. Stopping by from FMF and reminded in this – “Are you willing to let me love YOU deeper?” – that so often I make it all about me by focusing on my effort and what I’m doing or not doing, when the grace and truth is God “first loved us” and Christ has done enough . . . and will I simply accept His love and let it transform me from the inside out?

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