I’m excited to share my next book review today for my friend Rachel Kratz from Efficient Momma. Her e-book, Minimize the Mess: A Mother’s Guide to Simplifying Your Home
, is exactly what it says – a simple guide to getting your house under control so you can get back to enjoying your home and family.
Like I said when talking with Rachel, I’m a self-proclaimed clutter-phobe, who goes into paralytic shock when my house gets too messy. So when I heard the title of Rachel’s book, Minimize the Mess, I was instantly interested and couldn’t wait to glean any new ideas. I’ve read a lot of books and blog posts over the years about de-cluttering but what I like about Rachel’s book is how simple – and efficient her approach is.
I had the chance to Hang Out with Rachel last weekend and we had so much fun talking in person about her book and how to help Minimize the Mess in our own homes. You can watch our Hang Out together here and now you can also listen to the Minimize the Mess episode on the new Simplemama Podcast! Or you can watch/listen below without leaving this page (at least it should work.)
And! There’s also a chance to read Rachel’s e-book for FREE by entering the Giveaway below starting today, May 15 – Friday, May 22.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Or, if you can’t wait to Minimize the Mess around you, head on over to Rachel’s blog and you can get her book 25% today through May 22. Use the code: launch. At a price of $2.99, it’s a great deal and all the free printables mentioned in the book can be found at Rachel’s blog also.
I hope you enjoy Minimize the Mess: A Mother’s Guide to Simplifying Your Home as much as I did! I’m off to go declutter that office room I revealed to you in the video – yikes! (that’s actually not even the worst room in the house so I’ve got a lot of work cut out for me.)
{Amazon sends my family a neat little gift card when you make any Amazon purchases via the links provided – thank you!}
Way cool! Thanks for suggesting a Google Hangout! That was so much fun 🙂
It was! I’ve been having fun cleaning up around here too thanks to your suggestions.
[…] You want to talk about me stepping outside my comfort bubble? I did a video interview about Minimize the Mess with Erika Marie from Simple Mama. I was super nervous at first, but she was a great interviewer and it ended up being way less intimidating than I thought. You can check that out here. […]