Noble Movie, Podcasting, and Termites {7QT}

Random / Friday, May 8th, 2015

It’s been a pretty good week around here. Here are a few random updates to share as part of the 7 Friday Quick Takes today (I still have a few more hours of the day!)

1. First, I have to say – Go Watch The Noble Movie This Weekend!

If you live in one of the participating cities, you should most definitely go watch the Noble movie this weekend! It’s a very powerful movie about true compassion, justice, and redemption in the face of many sorrows and struggles. It’s not your typical “faith-based” feel-good sort of movie. It’s a much more realistic depiction of what real Faith is like, especially in the ugliest of circumstances.

As part of a review screening I got to do for with Theresa Cinnecola, I had the exciting pleasure of “Hanging Out” with the director, Stephen Bradley. You can watch our HangOut interview here:

2. Five Years In Heaven

3. Podcasting!
And! If you would rather listen to those HangOut shows, you can now listen to my newSimplemama Podcast that I’m working on getting going! I’m just trying it out for a month as a way to offer those HangOuts in an audio option. I’d love to hear honest feedback about this new venture.For now, I’m just going to use it for the book and movie reviews I’ve done and have coming up. But maybe I’ll delve into it further if enough people are interested? It’s not quite ready to find on iTunes (give it a few days) but here is the Feed so you can add it to your Podcast Playlist. I’ll be adding a few more soon with upcoming book reviews.
Here is the Noble Movie episode and Here is the Five Years in Heaven one.

In other more important family/house news:

4. Our son, second child, received his First Holy Communion last weekend! It was a beautiful day and everything went “perfectly”! I tell you what though, it’s much easier preparing a boy for that day than it was with our daughter. Just get a suit on and brush your teeth and he was good to go. No messing around with curling irons and hairspray as we frantically walked out the door this time. ;)He was so excited leading up to it, counting down the days and praying along with the Novena for First Holy Communion as well as 40 DAYS OF PREPARATION FOR FIRST COMMUNION with his teachers in class and sometimes at home. He’s been able to go to Mass everyday this week except one and he’s been “in heaven” every time. This morning he happily exclaimed that he’d receive his sixth Holy Communion at Mass and he was so excited. I hope this joy and excitement about receiving Jesus through the Eucharist lasts a looooonnnnnggggg time.

5. Termites. BooooOOOOOOooooo! My husband and his dadhave been doing some work on the siding of our house and discovered some water damage on one side. And Termites. Boo. Hiss.Then, I discovered a teeny tiny hole on the inside wall (top corner) of our living room where I usually don’t look. Oh joy. We had them taken care of this morning so hopefully they will go away and go chew on something that’s not our house – or our poor neighbors’ I hope.6. Tornadoes and “Severe Weather” Season.I love the invigorating smell of fresh Spring rains, the exhilarating energy of a lightning and thunder storm, and the relief of torrential rains. But I can’t say I’m fond of Tornadoes and Severe Weather Alerts.I mean, how am I supposed to respond to that? How do I go about my day as usual knowing a Tornado might come and tear our house to bits faster than a termite can lay eggs? I don’t now. I guess you just go on living with gratitude for what you have when you have it, right?

7. Kitchen and Family Room Updates
On the flip side, while I’m wondering if our house might get blown away, I’m also working on doing some re-decorating and readjustments to our kitchen and family room area. I’m realllyyy excited about all my ideas for finally opening up some space in our kitchen and making those rooms more friendly and more “me”. I’ll come back and tell you more about it once it’s “done” more.

Ok that’s all for today, hope everyone’s weeks have gone well!

Now go check out much more exciting and hilarious Quick Takes over at This Ain’t the Lyceum

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One Reply to “Noble Movie, Podcasting, and Termites {7QT}”

  1. You should totally start a podcast! I’m always on the lookout for new ones to listen to 🙂 As a Mom, I think I’m more likely to listen to a podcast than watch a google hangout, just because it’s easier to listen to something than watch something with little kids around. But both are pretty sweet 🙂

    Oh no! termites are no fun…or at least I assume they’re no fun lol

    So good talking to you today!
    Rachel @ Efficient Momma recently blogged…The Struggle with Screen Time My Profile

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