Writing is my soul’s dance {Five Minute Friday}

Five Minute Friday, Writing / Friday, February 7th, 2014

Today I’m linking up with a new-to me blogger  – Lisa Jo Baker – for her Five-Minute Fridays Free Write. She gives a prompt (today’s is: Write) I set my timer for five minutes and then I write. Sounds perfect, right? So ready, set…

Go –

I look out the window. The world outside is covered in white. It’s beautiful and I wonder why? Is it because it makes everything pop out more, the trees look browner, the houses bigger. While the snow hides the ground under its cold and fluffy blanket, suddenly I notice things I never did before. I think, maybe part of what I love about it is the silence. Snow is silent and after it falls, the world is silent too. I can see the cars passing quickly by down the street, yet right here, out of my window it is silent, still…peaceful. 

I look around the room and enjoy this quiet moment while the baby-toddler naps and the four-year old enjoys his “shows” time. I think about writing, about words. They are everywhere. On my walls, on the screen, next to me in the book waiting for me to relish. Words have always been, even before they existed, words have always existed. 

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1)

Words matter. Even though they aren’t technically “solid matter”. They matter  – a whole lot. One word has the power to build you up…or tear you down. I love words. I love reading them and I love thinking and writing them. I can’t stop them from coming in or out. Writing is my soul’s dance.


Wow. Five minutes goes by faster than I thought. I may or may not have given myself one (or two) extra minutes since this was my first time and all. And I also may or may not have been able to suppress the urge to fix a few teeny tiny grammatical issues. And then I spent about another 10 or so minutes adding in the links and picture…but she didn’t say that part had to be included in the five minutes so….

I’ll try to play fair next time. Promise. 

Do you like writing but really only have about five extra minutes, if that? Try this out and then link back up with Lisa Jo. Happy Friday everyone! 

{P.S. Be sure to check out the Giveaway for Sarah and Josh Holthusen’s Until I Rest in You Catholic Music CD!}

9 Replies to “Writing is my soul’s dance {Five Minute Friday}”

  1. I don’t believe any of us truly follow the rules, they seem to be more of a guideline than hard and fast, and you’re right, 5 minutes does FLY. I had to chuckle when I saw your title, looks like we both made the write/dance correlation. Good thoughts! Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful day!

  2. Welcome to Five Minute Friday! No, I want more than five minutes, but then I’m a writer. Always fascinated by words, I read early and have wanted to write forever. I love sharing my faith, my memories, book reviews and more. But one of my favorite things to look forward to each week is joining in community with Lisa-Jo and the others who take on her challenge to write five minutes on some word or topic she chooses. I meet some of the most faith-filled people, and I have made some Internet friends I would never have had the joy to know otherwise.

    Looking forward to seeing you again!
    Sherrey Meyer recently blogged…Write | Five Minute Friday My Profile

    1. Thank you bluecottonmemory! I love the way you think – and write! I often feel like my writing is “silly” or a “waste of time” but it’s comments like yours that remind me that this is a talent God has given me to share.
      “Be still and know that [He] is with you.”

  3. Hahaha! You are cute. Seriously, I write for the 5 minutes BUT picking a picture, adding the link and all…really? I never finish in less than a half hour. OK, maybe 20 minutes…it’s all because of Photopin…that really can suck you right in! And every once in a GREAT while, the prompt begs for you to just finish a thought. But , it’s also fun to just leave a thought hanging, too! Happy 5 Minute Friday! Very nice share. 😉

  4. It was my first time participating in FMF too. I love the silence snow brings also, and the beautiful brightness as it glows through my windows making my house feel like it’s cleaner than it really is!
    Suzanne recently blogged…Live Low My Profile

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