Jog, jog, hit the ground running
wherever I go
follow my feet
that’s where I’ll be
who knows where
who knows when
Brush, brush
follow my paintbrush
whatever flows out
that’s what I’ll paint
Write, Write, set the words free
whatever comes out
that’s what the story’ll be
some days, it’s not about form
or direction
a plan or inspiration
just go, go
let it all flow
letters spinning, flying
dancing together in the sky
like a flock of birds
they’ll form
caught up in the updraft
rippling up the air
one after another
spreading out across the magenta sky
soar, soar
let it all out
write, write
set your mind free.
{My mind is a constant reel, constantly clicking out word after another, disjointed, half-formed ideas rolled into one unseen thought. It’s there, hanging over me like a mist. If I could pause my life, freeze the world, just sit down, and write – maybe eventually all those jumbled words and aspiring stories would eventually clear up, define themselves – find a rhythm, fluidity, a readable prose perhaps. An artist has to have a place, a studio where they can be free, free to throw the paint on the canvas and see where the brush takes it, watch the bristles glide and twirl over the colors. This is my canvas, my studio. Most of the time I’ll craft up nice, polished pieces – ones that make sense, have a purpose, follow the rules and toe the line. And that’s fine, I like things nice and neat, shiny and clean. Other times, I need chaos, unfinished, unchartered. Just words, flowing, coming and going nowhwere…somewhere, anywhere. We’ll call these posts Free Write posts. Like Five Minute Fridays, minus the time limit and no prompts. My life is my prompt. No set time or day – once a week, everyday, maybe only once a month – just sit down and write.}