Another goal I have this year – not mentioned on my list of 33 Resolutions – is to really learn photography and get better at it. It hasn’t come as easily to me as I thought it would or like it has for my awesome husband. But I still want to try, even if it takes me the rest of my life. I get frustrated quickly and easily because it doesn’t work the way I see it in my mind. But, like the saying goes, practice makes perfect…or at least hopefully better than I am now.
Inspired by our amazing photographer friend, Joe, and his photo-a-day challenge on his beautiful Wonderfield blog, I’m going to try and do a once a week…(or maybe once every other week) photo share. Eventually I’ll learn how to use our camera and eventually I’ll learn what settings are best for the lighting and circumstances.
I’ve learned that good photography is as much about photo editing skills as it is about taking a good shot. This is another area I need to improve in. I tend to like to over-saturate my pictures and crank up the vibrance – that’s just my style though. Today, for time and ease, I used the “Autofix” setting in Pixlr Express. I snapped these on a little “snow walk” around our yard last weekend.
I had a little creative fun with the next one and tried a few different colors to give it a different look. Not sure if I like it but here it is.