More awesome astro pictures


This is what my husband’s set up looks like. Zodiacal Light with Venus & Jupiter Milky Way Tip of Big Dipper Handle and Pinwheel and Whirlpool Galaxies (can you see them?) Mars Saturn (or as my daughter says, “Satoren”) Jupiter, Venus, Moon Hercules Globular Star Cluster (I like saying the word “globular”.) Pinwheel Galaxy

February 26, 2012

We are but mere specks

Beauty, faith, Photography

The other day I was in a situation where I had to get up and talk in front of a bunch of important people and I was a teensy bit nervous. My heart started pounding, my armpits started sweating and I suddenly felt like getting up and running out of the room. I closed my […]

February 8, 2012

First Trimerster “Tunnel”


This post about the “Tunnel of Parenthood” has been going around for a while. The “tunnel” in Emily Sederstrand’s post refers to the first 5 years of parenthood and how hard and anxiety-producing it is. We’ve been at this parenting thing for a little over 8 years now and while we are definitely out of that ‘tunnel’ […]

January 21, 2012

Two lines of Hope


Time to look. One line. Whew… A little sad… Wait. What’s that? A second line? Could it be? Is it? Yup. A little faint. Definitely there, though. Eternity passes through me. A lump forms in my throat. A flood of thoughts and feelings gushes into my heart and sets it beating. My hands hug my […]

January 12, 2012